Simple k12 virtual field trips - Many different virtual field trips on different topics: health, consumer science, business, history, language arts, math, science, and more!
Field Trip — Visit Awesome Places. It provides animated tours of a park, library, and city hall.
Picturing the Thirties is another great virtual web activity from the Smithsonian.Students learn about the American People in the 1930’s.
Mr. Rogers- Explore the world with Mr. Rogers
Google Earth 5. To create a tour of your own: Before you begin, come up with an itinerary of places you would like to visit. Great for students to create their own field trip of their dreams!
Smithsonian Museum Students can ‘step’ into the exhibits and take a tour through the entire museum in a 360 degree environment.
AR Sights Travel to the pyramids or the Eiffel Tower for a field trip.
Moon in Google Earth Students can visit the moon virtually using Moon view in Google Earth.
Planet in Action - Take a guided tour of the Grand Canyon, Mount St. Helens, Manhattan, and other great locations.
UPM Forest Life A field trip to a forest is a wonderful way to learn about tree species, ecosystems, habitats, and animals. UPM Forest Life aims to teach about forest.
Olympic museum -The multi-sensory, multimedia experience enables visitors to experience interactively various sports and challenges faced by Olympic athletes.
Take your class to the Lincoln Memorial Interactive The site features an assortment of panoramic photos from all over the monument.Tyrell museum- Exhibits range from sea dwellers to the Tyrrell's BIG attraction, the dinosaurs.
Take a virtual tour of The White House Museum - Tour the white house museum
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